Friday, October 11, 2013

Karate is the crown jewel in Martial Arts

Karate is the crown jewel in Martial Arts
Karate is the crown jewel in Martial Arts. We believe in our tradition and history, maintain a solid personal attitude, obey to our elders and authorities, love our sport and often live a life for Karate. We really care for Karate and we are thankful for what karate provided to us in general. Though WKF failed again for third time to include karate in the Olympics, we Young Karate Innovators - an international group of martial artists - will take care of that and we will design the new era of karate.

There are times of innovation and reflection for every sport. We seriously believe that facemask and body protection is against the ideas and principles of our beloved sport and against our tradition.

YKI knows that many of our elders support this "traditional" view. Karate is centuries of tradition, let us maintain the good parts and innovate where innovation is necessary. We need to rejuvenate our tradition and we need to rejuvenate our leadership in high level in order to come back to where we all belong!

We would ask you kind reader and admirer of Karate to support us with your opinion in three important questions.

Source: Young Karate Innovators (YKI)

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